Factors Contributing to School failure among school children
"Children are likely buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. only thought right education can better order of society be built up" ( Jawahar Lal Nehru)
The rise in High School dropouts, the numbers accelerating in the pandemic world, resulting in a lower literacy rate and shortage of professionally qualified individuals, is a matter of concern, and this should be resolved to empower children, make their careers broader, and work towards a better nation.
High school is an important stage for children for their academic careers and professional careers. To make our nation a better place for living, fresh air to breathe, our rights to enjoy, to make a peaceful environment, we must educate children. Education is the need of the hour. Once Cicero said " What society does for its children, so will its children do to society.
Several factors are on the discussion table over the last few decades. Here are some factors we can work on.
1) External factors :
Worldly activities are not letting them manage time for study. Online games are occupying their minds and allowing them to be inactive in the classroom. The games are distracting them and affecting their minds. They rarely find time to do homework. Time spent participating in non-academic activities, having a busy social life, spending their time with friends are making their minds busy and unthinkable.
2) Internal Factors;
Students' attitudes towards learning are devastating. Procrastination, inadequate sleep, and goofing off are internal factors. The negative attitude towards learning is making that happen. Most of the time, children are struggling with their subject matters, teachers are not the kind who can figure out students 'problems and try to sort out their difficulties, and later this makes them drop out the school.
3) lack of Motivation:
Most of the parents are not educated, that is the reason they are unable to work for their children's careers. They are less motivated than demotivated. Relatives and children's surroundings are unable to tell them that failure is the key to success. they are not encouraged to face difficulties, the lack of perseverance is affecting their minds.
5) Afraid Of Education:
Education is difficult and it requires an active mind and needs time are killing students' minds and making them dropouts. They are unaware of internet technology, they don't know that all the questions related to the subjects can be solved with ease with just one click.
6) Teachers' attitude Towards Student:
Teachers are not the kind that can help out students' problems, and motivate them to learn, most of them are hired because of nepotism and some names in the region. They are unable to make class interesting.
7) Negative Attitude :
The mindset of children is that education is a tool for earning money. When they notice educated people are jobless because of the unemployability, now they are more confident and proudly saying ' that there is no benefit of education because higher educated people are jobless and are forced to do what uneducated people are doing'
8) Background:
Our society's individuals are not educated and where a low literacy rate exists, it is difficult to raise children and choose an academic career for them.
9) Economic issue :
Because of poor economic conditions families are unable to afford the fee, and the price of books and tools are so high that they can not afford them. Sometimes, to go far away for schooling needs money for public transportation, and it costs much more for them. Most of the time financial crises come as a barrier and stop them to pursue education.