Tips To Crack Competitive Exams
Every year, thousands of candidates appear for numerous competitive exams like IELTS, GRE, Neet and many more. But very few candidates are able to crack it. Most exam cracking candidates follow some instructions and layouts that help them to make it on top. Here is how you can prepare for your rest.
Familiarise yourself with the test:
The test you intend to take, you should know how the paper is designed, what sort of questions are asked on the paper, how many sections are there? What is the time limit for it? You need to identify all the things.
Make a plan for it:
When it comes to the plan you need to make a plan for your test, without a plan it is like constructing a building without a map. You need to divide all the sections and set a time to complete them separately. Tiny habits to achieve your goal will work too
Identify your study materials:
Books, online videos, self-paced learning, personal tutors, options are many. You need to choose the right combination to save your time. Do smart reading, do not memorize all the things in the books, note down key points that you think should be noted down.
See your strength:
You need to diagnose what is your strength? What section do you think would be easier for you to do? Give your best in that session.
Take the previous year's paper seriously:
Going through the previous year’s paper will give you some idea about the test. You will get to know the pattern of the test, and will be familiar with important things asked in the test. Try to solve all the questions there in the paper.
Go 15 minutes before the exam starts:
When your exam’s date comes, try to reach there in the exam hall at least 15 minutes before, by doing this you will get time to sit with relaxation and calm and this will help you to answer the questions hands down.